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Burp Suite CA

Haxx | Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 01:44AM UTC

Hi, I have regenerated my burp suite CA but i still keep getting error when intercepting request. http://prntscr.com/9hh3yw May i know how can i resolve this ? Thanks in advance! Mikko

Burp User | Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 02:20AM UTC

I have fixed this ! but i have still a problem, the burp suite doesnt intercept any request sometimes when i started it.

Liam, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 09:48AM UTC

Hi Mikko Thanks for your message. Have you made any changes in the Proxy "Options" tab?

Burp User | Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 07:58AM UTC

Hi Liam, I didnt made any changes on it. Any tips on how can i fix it ? i can intercept any request sometimes but the request logs on HTTP history.

PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 09:27AM UTC

Can you try restoring defaults for all Burp settings, via the Burp menu? Note that Burp by default intercepts certain requests and automatically forwards others. You can configure this at Proxy / Options / Intercept client requests.

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