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Burp scan API hits are not working in Xamarin Form app in iPhone / Android

Yalamandarao | Last updated: May 04, 2020 04:08AM UTC

Xamarin Form app in iPhone then its API hits not recorded I have configured burp with my iPhone successfully and i'm able to scan other application except Xamarin From application. I'm using license burp suite professional version. Could you please me how to do burp scan in Xamarin Forms application. Do we need to any proxy inside the application?

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 05, 2020 07:36AM UTC

Hi, Is this an application that your company has made or is it publically available? It is possible that the application is not proxy aware and is sending requests outside of the proxy settings that you have configured on the device. We do currently have a Xamarin Form test setup here but the following link gives some steps that you could try: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/190568/optimal-way-to-capture-https-traffic-on-proxy-unaware-ios-applications%3E

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