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Burp Professional Target tab: scope issue

Daniel | Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 01:24PM UTC

Host OS Windows 11, burp version is Burp Pro v2023 5.4 Build 21196 Issue: Targets tab Scope filtering by in-scope targets not working when 2 similar domain entries are used as "in scope" Details: In burp settings/Project/scope/include in scope box I have only two entries: *company.com/ and *company.org/ When I have both of those entries active (as in the check box next to them is filled in) and I filter the targets tab to show only in scope items, all items are filtered out regardless of scope, but if I uncheck one entry or another then the targets list populates properly. This filtering issue does not appear to affect the Proxy tabs http history filtering. Is this intended behavior and I am just misunderstanding the scoping/filtering mechanism? Any Help is appreciated

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 01:34PM UTC

Hi Are you using regular scoping rules or advanced scoping rules? You can only use regex with the "Advanced scope control" option.

Daniel | Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 02:40PM UTC

I wasn't using advanced scoping rules, I'm not necessarily trying to use regex specifically, just wildcards. Are you saying if I want wildcards I need to use advanced scope rules?

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 03:00PM UTC

Yes, we would recommend using advanced scope rules.

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