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Burp Pro GUI hangs in mac Ventura 13.4.1

5h1r0 | Last updated: Mar 04, 2024 10:25PM UTC

Hey there! Hope this message finds you well. I've recently been experiencing my GUI freezing with no apparent cause. At first I thought it might have had something to do with a lab I was working with (even tho it really didn't make much sense)but it is still happening even without use. Burp seems to be proxying traffic non the less and the computer shows no sign of being slowed down in any way. Tried deleting and re-installing burp but to no gain. Ran diagnostics and everything comes out fine. It's not overloaded with extentions either. All in all I can't really tell what the root cause might be. Looked around for FAQs or other sources but found nothing on this regard, hence this report. Best regards, 5h1r0.

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 05, 2024 01:37PM UTC

Hi Thanks for the report. I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. When you say the GUI hangs, does it become completely unresponsive, or does it react very slowly? Could you tell me the version of Burp that you are currently on? Do you also experience this issue with our latest Early Adopter release? If you'd like to switch over to the Early Adopter channel, just go to "Settings > Suite > Updates" and change your dropdown from Stable to Early Adopter. After that, if you wait a minute or so, a popup should appear in the top right-hand corner of Burp, with the option to restart your installation.

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