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Burp Organizer Improvement Feature

Abdillah | Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 02:53AM UTC

Hi, i just watch the video about burp organizer and i wanted to give my feedback to make it better for everyone who use burpsuite daily basis. Burp organizer is promising feature which burp missing for a long time, there is a burpsuite extension called progress tracker which able to organize the unique endpoint and track the status of testing (but this will not saved the data into burp project). If possible, please also give option to automatically send matched scope proxy item(ignoring some extension like .png/.css) into organizer but only save unique endpoint and it will be make it easy to track which endpoint haven’t tested. The organizer should follow the scope rule and have additional feature to ignore some endpoint like /v1/user/1 and /v1/user/2 as only one endpoint using regex filter /v1/user/[\d+]

Abdillah | Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 02:55AM UTC

Here is the progress tracker extension https://portswigger.net/bappstore/17544cadcec64dcf8ed68df8518592e4

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 03:34PM UTC

Hi I made a quick extension to handle this. You can find it here: https://github.com/Hannah-PortSwigger/OrganizerTracker This covers the most basic use case, so you may want to develop this idea further. In the longer term, it may be helpful to look at the "Reshaper" extension - it doesn't currently have the option to send requests and responses to Organizer, but if you raise an issue on their GitHub, they may add that feature in.

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