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[Burp Enterprise] UI is unusable when a big-ish amount of sites are configured

JAVIER | Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 04:03PM UTC

Hi, The UI is rendered almost unusable when a big amount of sites are configured (around 5k sites). The page takes way longer than expected to load, and when it is loaded the UI is stuck. For completeness, my folder set-up is: - Folder A: 3323 sites - Folder B: 199 sites - Folder C: 719 sites - Folder D: 1 sites - Folder E: 679 sites I have reproduced this issue in Chrome and Firefox (latest releases at the moment of writing this) in both Windows and Linux. The rest of the system works with no issue (API responds normally, agents can communicate). Other zones of the web UI pretty much work, but things are slow (in the client side) when the whole site/folder tree is loaded into memory. When that data is loaded, the browser's tab takes ~500MB of memory, while other parts take ~20MB. Kind regards, Javier

Maia, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 12:05PM UTC

Hi, Thank you for your message. We are aware of some UI performance issues when there are a large number of sites configured. We made some improvements to this in the latest release (v2022.1) and have some more improvements being tested for the next release. Can you please tell me a little more about your setup by sending us the information from the /help/diagnostics page? Do your sites have a lot of included or excluded URLs as part of their configuration? Do you have an agent installed on the Enterprise server which is actively used for scanning? If so, how many concurrent scans are being performed on that agent?

JAVIER | Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 12:34PM UTC

Hi, This is the output of the diagnostics page: Version: 2022.1 Build: 8887 Scanner version: 2021.12.1-11044 Database: postgres Database version: 14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1) Max memory: 4 GB Total memory: 533 MB Available processors: 4 Java version: 11.0.13 OS name: Linux OS version: 5.10.0-10-amd64 OS arch: amd64 Installation: /usr/local/burpsuite_enterprise/enterpriseServer/2022.1-8887 Logs: /var/log/BurpSuiteEnterpriseEdition Log disk space: 46 GB All sites have only one URL in the included list, and no URLs excluded. They are configured to run just once whenever an agent is available. Only a scan profile assigned. I have 5 agents linked to the Enterprise server: - Agent A: 8/8 scans - Agents B, C and D: 4/4 scans - Agent E: 0/4 scans (4 licenses assigned, but not scanning due to be in a different agent pool). Server load looks fine in all VMs (Enterprise server and agents). Kind regards, Javier

Maia, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 02:46PM UTC

Thank you for the details. I have linked your case to the performance improvement work and will let you know once the fix has been released.

Maia, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 03:13PM UTC

Hi Javier, I'm pleased to say that Burp Suite Enterprise Edition version 2022.2 has just been released and includes the UI performance fix.

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