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Burp Enterprise licensing when I need to tear down and rebuild Enterprise & Agent servers

Ralph | Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 10:23PM UTC

Hi Team. We have a requirement to tear down and spin up new servers in our environment on a scheduled basis. How does Burp Enterprise licensing work in this case? Do I need to re-apply existing licenses on my Enterprise & Agent servers when the new one's are spun up? Generate and apply new licenses? Thank you.

Alex, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 09:53AM UTC


Thanks for your post.

Would you be able to email your query to support@portswigger.net with some additional detail on your use case?

For example, your process for provisioning new servers and tearing them down, the frequency you do this within a given period, etc.

There may be a couple of options to support this, but it would depend on a number of factors.


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