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bug in burp suite navigation recorder.

Michael | Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 01:20PM UTC

Spend three weeks trying to find out what plugin was messing up three different web sites. Microsoft Edge, with burp suite navigation recorder installed and active. the web sites do not render. they do very strange things. here is a link to a webm showing it. https://securityprivateers-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/p/michael/EV_16u-kUXROqcBfdnqV-OUBpyeN6OKuDwrKyyjpoqRqQg?e=m5w92I the reason I took three weeks, it basically, that was the last plugin i would have expected could actually interfere with rendering. all three sites require a login, so im not sure how to find one you can test on.

Michael | Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 01:33PM UTC

i have another site, and a recording. https://securityprivateers-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/p/michael/ETpBwWuo_zpEqI3FqHiHbI4B4gECunLimk2dPDCxhEcpcg?e=7mUEWq do you want me to see if I can get a login to https://me.n-able.com for your support people?

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 12:50PM UTC

Hi Michael Thank you for those screen recordings! Is your Edge browser being proxied through Burp?

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