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Broken Extensions preferences since burpsuite_pro_v2023.1.2

Kacper | Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 09:23AM UTC

Hello, Since burpsuite_pro_v2023.1.2 the extensions cannot load their previous preferences. The extensions load/save the preferences by the following APIs: - loadExtensionSetting(name) - saveExtensionSetting(name, value) docs: https://portswigger.net/burp/extender/api/burp/iburpextendercallbacks.html#loadExtensionSetting-java.lang.String- The preferences files are saved on Linux ~/.java/.userPrefs/burp/extensions/<ext>/prefs.xml by default. Since version 2023.1.2 the settings are loaded/saved with the following name: "string_<setting_name>", which makes it impossible for any existing extensions to read the previous settings. Snippet from one of my prefs.xml: <entry key="string_window-state" value="6"/> <entry key="string_windowHeight" value="1459"/> <entry key="string_windowWidth" value="2560"/> <entry key="window-state" value="6"/> <entry key="windowHeight" value="1459"/> <entry key="windowWidth" value="2560"/> Now, the prefs.xml contains both the new settings (string_<name>) and the previous ones. I tried the latest early adopter version (burpsuite_pro_v2023.2.1.jar) and the bug is still not fixed. It affects all extensions I am using.

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 10:43AM UTC

Thanks for the feedback! We'll investigate this further and raise a bug report. If there's anything else we can help with, then please let us know.

Kacper | Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 07:20PM UTC

Hello, were you able to reproduce and confirm the bug?

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 11:46AM UTC

Hi. Yes, we've replicated this issue and have raised a bug report. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Kacper | Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 06:54AM UTC

Do you have any ETA when the fix will be released? I still have to use Burp 2022.12.7, as the extensions I use need to read/write the preferences correctly.

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 01:37PM UTC

Hi Unfortunately, we do not currently have an ETA. We are planning on resolving this issue but cannot provide a timeframe. Are you able to recreate your preferences in the newer version of Burp, or do you have specific items saved that need to be persisted?

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