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API documentation for evidence types

DBail | Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 01:57PM UTC

Hi, I'm trying to write a script that can parse the json output of a scan from the rest API (Professional version), including the request_response in the evidence. However, it seems that different evidence types have different layouts, and it affects where the request_response is found. I've been unable to track down any documentation for this, and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Many Thanks

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 03:04PM UTC

Hi, Can you please provide a working example of what you are referring to? By "different layouts", do you mean the number of request/response pairs generated for a single issue? What are you trying to do?

DBail | Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 04:06PM UTC

Hi, I need to be able to extract the "request_response" field from a given evidence type. For example, there are some where the "request_response" field is at the same level as the type, e.g. { "type": "FirstOrderEvidence", "detail": { "band_flags": [ "in_band" ] }, "request_response": { "url": "...", "request": [ ... ], "response": [ ... ], "was_redirect_followed": false, "request_time": "1607694315937" } } But there are others where it is buried in other fields, such as { "type": "StaticJavascriptAnalysisEvidence", "detail": { "band_flags": [ "in_band" ] }, "composable_evidence": { "type": "FirstOrderEvidence", "detail": { "band_flags": [ "in_band" ] }, "request_response": { "url": "...", "request": [ ... ], "response": [ ... ], "was_redirect_followed": false, "request_time": "1607694433167" } }, "javascript_request_responses": [], "code_snippets": [ { "code": "var lang = document.location.href.substring(document.location.href.indexOf(\"default=\")+8);", "offset": 69 }, { "code": "document.write(\"<option value='\" + lang + \"'>\" + decodeURI(lang) + \"</option>\");", "offset": 167 } ], "source_caption": "document.location.href", "sink_caption": "document.write()" } and { "type": "DiffableEvidence", "first_evidence": { "type": "FirstOrderEvidence", "detail": { "payload": { "bytes": "Li9lZWkvLi4vYnJ1dGU=", "flags": 0 }, "band_flags": [ "in_band" ] }, "request_response": { "url": "...", "request": [ ... ], "response": [ ... ], "was_redirect_followed": false, "request_time": "1607694344663" } }, "second_evidence": { "type": "FirstOrderEvidence", "detail": { "payload": { "bytes": "Li4uL2JydXRl", "flags": 0 }, "band_flags": [ "in_band" ] }, "request_response": { "url": "...", "request": [ ... ], "response": [ ... ], "was_redirect_followed": false, "request_time": "1607694344663" } } } I was just wondering if there was anywhere I could see all the possible evidence types and their schema

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 10:28AM UTC

Thanks a lot for clarifying. You can view the swagger documentation for the API if you navigate to it via

DBail | Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 02:24PM UTC

That's great, cheers. I've noticed that there are various "nested" evidence types that contain other evidences, such as TimingBasedEvidence and DiffableEvidence. I was wondering if, for example, evidence_a was one of these nested types, and it contained evidence_b, could evidence_b also be a nested type and contain evidence_c, and so on?

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 03:05PM UTC

There is a limited amount of nested evidence but I would suggest comparing it to what you see in the GUI.

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