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An error "Skipping current insertion point. Too many consecutive "empty response" errors have occurred." occurs due to the extension when scanning

Takahiro | Last updated: May 21, 2024 04:51PM UTC

I'm working on Web Security Academy. While working on a SQL injection lab, I faced an issue where the Scanner would give me the error "Skipping current insertion point. Too many consecutive "empty response" errors have occurred." I tried various resource pool settings to resolve this issue, but I was unable to resolve the issue. In the end, this problem was resolved by turning off all extensions. When I searched the internet, it seemed like there were other people in the same situation. Why does this problem occur? thank you in advance.

Syed, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 22, 2024 07:36AM UTC

Hi Takahiro,

Yes, there have been cases with customers facing the same error. We are still investigating these errors and collecting more data on how people are facing it and how it can be eradicated. You said that switching off the extensions made the errors go away. May I know which extensions were they? Since the extensions are build by our community, it could be that some of these extensions don't behave the intended way and are causing these errors.

Please share the extensions you turned off and we will look into it.

Takahiro | Last updated: May 22, 2024 08:50AM UTC

Thank you for your response. The extension in question was "Hackvertor".

Takahiro | Last updated: May 22, 2024 08:51AM UTC

Sorry, my English is not good so I will correct it. The Extension that caused the problem was "Hackvertor".

Syed, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 22, 2024 02:59PM UTC

Hi Takahiro,

Thank you for confirming that. Let me talk to the devs and understand what is going on. We may require some additional information from you, could you please email us in at Thanks!

Takahiro | Last updated: May 23, 2024 12:22AM UTC

I sent an e-mail. Thank you.

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