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403 Forbidden in sollution in Academy Web cache poisoning via ambiguous requests

Andrey | Last updated: Jun 20, 2024 02:44AM UTC

Hello, according to the Sollution when i use 2 HOST headers such as GET /?cb=123 HTTP/1.1 Host: 0aa300a60483e49080313f3f008e0077.h1-web-security-academy.net Host: example.com I receive HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Connection: close Content-Length: 109 <html><head><title>Client Error: Forbidden</title></head><body><h1>Client Error: Forbidden</h1></body></html> When in your sollution and other video guides this error doesn't appear

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 20, 2024 08:03AM UTC

Hi Andrey, If you follow along with this video solution, do you still experience the same issue?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWtw7E0Uefo&list=PLGj3IZkhXGzJB26c3-nCDEOBUUXbjdMR9&index=2

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