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Super slow serving in portswigger

Muhammed | Last updated: Apr 25, 2024 04:46PM UTC

I am a dedicated user of your platform. I am reaching out to report a consistent issue that has been affecting my user experience. For some time now, I have been encountering a significant delay when navigating the PortSwigger platform, specifically from the initial login page all the way through to the labs page. The loading time can exceed 30 minutes, which is considerably longer than what I have previously experienced. This prolonged loading period has been a persistent problem and is impacting my productivity. I have taken several troubleshooting steps to ensure that the issue is not on my end. These include checking my internet connection, which is stable and performs well with other high-traffic websites and services, clearing my browser cache, and trying different browsers to rule out client-side issues. Furthermore, other pages outside of PortSwigger load with expected speed, which suggests that the issue may be isolated to the PortSwigger platform. Could you please look into this matter and advise if there are any known issues that might be causing these delays? Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could perform a general check to ascertain whether there might be any underpinning technical problems that could be contributing to this slowdown.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 26, 2024 08:11AM UTC

Hi We have not had any issues reported with the website. If you try to connect now, are you still experiencing delays? Are you proxying the traffic when you see the delays?

Timothee | Last updated: May 07, 2024 03:48PM UTC

Hi Michelle, I have been facing the same issue for some time as well, portswigger.net takes forever to load, proxying the traffic or not: - https://ps.piwik.pro/ppms.php: 42.61 seconds - https://ps.piwik.pro/ppms.js: 41,37 seconds - Image resources take anywhere between 37 to 39 seconds to load, - Stylesheets and fonts between 16 to 24 seconds. Experiencing the same problem in Chrome, Firefox, Burp's browser. I have to wait for a one or two minute before accessing the login page, Another one to two minutes to access all labs, Then another one to two minutes to access a specific lab... It is a bit frustrating.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 08, 2024 08:07AM UTC

Hi We haven't had any other reports of the site being slow. If you try to access the site from a different network connection, is it still slow?

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