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Log all used Burp Collaborator identifiers/subdomain

Hidde | Last updated: Apr 22, 2024 01:20PM UTC

Hi, I would like an option to save all generated Burp Collaborator identifiers/subdomains. When you click the 'copy to clipboard' button. It would be nice to have a list or event registered for the generated ID. Reason for this is if your OOB request fails, you won't have the Burp Collaborator identifier/subdomain logged in the Collaborator window. Yes maybe you have it in the proxy history, but maybe you did it via a CLI command who knows. If a Security Operations Center checks their logging and pings you about this, you might not have a way to see the generated Collaborator subdomains if the OOB was not succesful.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 23, 2024 09:52AM UTC

Hi Thanks for getting in touch. Can you provide us with a bit more background about your use case? Are you trying to help your SOC team identify which requests have been sent as part of the test? If so, is there a reason that you'd only need to identify the ones that related to the Collaborator?

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